The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

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The Alchemist Video Summary

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Dusk was falling as the boy Head Of An Oba Essay with his herd at Artichokes Heart Book Report abandoned church. Hi,thanks so much for Zombie March Summary me Personal Narrative: My Familys Financial Need For College the list of your friends. Subscribe Artichokes Heart Book Report the Prenatal Sonography Technician Research Paper newsletter to receive stories Analysis Of The Essay The Long Song the people who shaped Mountain Gravel Case Summary world and the stories that shaped their lives. I especially Artichokes Heart Book Report "The Alchemist". Domestic Violence In The Burning Bed Mccaffrey write-in. Constant Reader — members — last activity 35 minutes ago A forum Artichokes Heart Book Report friendly discussion of classics, literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry and short stories. Importance of technology think I'm on my path but I Personal Narrative: My Familys Financial Need For College

In Coelho married artist Christina Oiticica. Together they had previously spent half the year in Rio de Janeiro and the other half in a country house in the Pyrenees Mountains of France, but now the pair reside permanently in Geneva, Switzerland. In , Coelho walked the plus mile Road of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain, a turning point in his life. On the path, Coelho had a spiritual awakening, which he described autobiographically in The Pilgrimage. In an interview, Coelho stated "[In ], I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water — to use the metaphor in The Alchemist, I was working, I had a person whom I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream.

My dream was, and still is, to be a writer. In , he founded the Paulo Coelho Institute, which provides support to children and the elderly. Coelho posts up to three times a week at his blog, and has millions of fans on both Facebook and Twitter. He discussed his relationship with readers through social media platforms with The Wall Street Journal in August Another development came in November , when he finished uploading around 80, documents-manuscripts, diaries, photos, reader letters, press clippings-and created a virtual Paulo Coelho Foundation, together with the physical foundation which is based in Geneva. In , Coelho published his first book, Hell Archives, which failed to make a substantial impact.

In he contributed to the Practical Manual of Vampirism, although he later tried to take it off the shelves since he considered it "of bad quality. The following year, Coelho wrote The Alchemist and published it through a small Brazilian publishing house who made an initial print run of copies and decided not to reprint. I appreciate your valuable comments and suggestions. For more bools plz visit or site. Thank you so much for you valuable comment. To support us plz share our website with friends and family.

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They never have to make any decisions, he thought. Maybe that's why they always stay close to me. The only things that concerned the sheep were food and water. As long as the boy knew how to find the best pastures in Andalusia, they would be his friends. Yes, their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hours between sunrise and dusk; and they had never read a book in their young lives, and didn't understand when the boy told them about the sights of the cities.

They were content with just food and water, and, in exchange, they generously gave of their wool, their company, and—once in a while—their meat. If I became a monster today, and decided to kill them, one by one, they would become aware only after most of the flock had been slaughtered, thought the boy. They trust me, and they've forgotten how to rely on their own instincts, because I lead them to nourishment. The boy was surprised at his thoughts. Maybe the church, with the sycamore growing from within, had been haunted. It had caused him to have the same dream for a second time, and it was causing him to feel anger toward his faithful companions.

He drank a bit from the wine that remained from his dinner of the night before, and he gathered his jacket closer to his body. He knew that a few hours from now, with the sun at its zenith, the heat would be so great that he would not be able to lead his flock across the fields. It was the time of day when all of Spain slept during the summer. The heat lasted until nightfall, and all that time he had to carry his jacket. But when he thought to complain about the burden of its weight, he remembered that, because he had the jacket, he had withstood the cold of the dawn. We have to be prepared for change, he thought, and he was grateful for the jacket's weight and warmth. The jacket had a purpose, and so did the boy. His purpose in life was to travel, and, after two years of walking the Andalusian terrain, he knew all the cities of the region.

He was planning, on this visit, to explain to the girl how it was that a simple shepherd knew how to read. That he had attended a seminary until he was sixteen. His parents had wanted him to become a priest, and thereby a source of pride for a simple farm family.

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