The Social Class In Jane Austens Pride And Prejudice

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The Social Class In Jane Austens Pride And Prejudice

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Sir William Lucas \u0026 CLASS - What is a Knight? Jane Austen PRIDE AND PREJUDICE social class analysis

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However, it was a way in which to drastically contrast the love of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy to the love that was prominent throughout this era of time. Once again, Austen stands against the accepted standard. This time, it is through a staunch belief of feminism. The main character, Elizabeth is her source of stance within the book. Elizabeth is portrayed as a beautiful young woman, with thoughts of her own. The latter of which was extremely frowned upon during this time. A woman dare not speak her mind, and if she did she was considered contentious.

Austen beautifully reveals the contrast of a truly boisterous and contentious woman through other women characters such as her mother and younger sisters. Throughout the entire book, she challenges the status quo of society. This attitude that is etched into the words of this book is what has drawn readers back centuries later. Therefore, while Austen was challenging the later 18th century society, today, she challenges each individual to take a stand for that which he or she believes. This material is available only on Freebooksummary. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Sorry, but only registered users have full access. How about getting full access immediately? Ultimately, she wants to help women break free of the shallow, passive stereotype that society expected of them.

In addition, the women who suffered under the shallowness of the upper class because of their social status are another criticism of the author. Pride and Prejudice is aimed as a satire against the attitudes of women. Therefore, by making fun of characters for the betterment of the society, Pride and Prejudice proves that it is a true satire. Women cannot be economically independent, thus, they try to find a wealthy husband. An example would be Charlotte Lucas as she accepts Mr. Collins is to gain financial stability and comfort as Mr. Collins is prosperous under his wealthy patroness. Moreover, she perfectly well knows the unhappiness that might come as a result of the marriage: Her reflections were in general satisfactory.

Collins was to be sure neither sensible nor agreeable; his society was irksome… Even so, Charlotte disregards happiness, putting it below financial gain. Through the exaggeration of Mr. Pride and Prejudice portrays the life of the middle class and the upper class family in England during the early nineteenth century. The law, social values, and women rights are all criticisms that Jane Austen portrays by the use of the characters in the novel.

Through Pride and Prejudice, Austen shares her criticism on the society and in hope of making a change in the society. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Accessed October 12, In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Get your paper price experts online. Class and Gender in Pride and Prejudice. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report Order custom paper Without paying upfront.

You may also find these documents helpful Jane Austen — Pride and Prejudice. In other words, women of the nineteenth century were deemed dependent on men. They were to join an advantageous marriage to remain respectable and achieve a higher social class. Bingley and Mr. The novel not only shows love and marriage but also explores the social structure and family. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is set in the 18th century, when the future of society relied on social class.

According to social class, the relationship between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth should have been impossible, but they are able to break through these restrictions. Jane Austen illustrates the restrictions of the social construct of class based on wealth along with. Introduction: Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte explore social class in a number of different ways throughout their novels Pride and the Prejudice and Jane Eyre.

They do this through the use of stylistic devices, which in turn appeals to their different audiences. Both Jane and Charlotte.

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