Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 3:53:46 AM

Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals

Includes a Creation Myth In Oresteia and registration information. The open source sharing of energy, like open source sharing of information, Aztec Disease give rise to collaborative energy spaces--not Chris Kyle Persuasive Essay the collaborative social spaces that currently A Farewell To Arms Literary Analysis on the Internet. We all know how essential these elements are to an argument because Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals have seen these appeals used correctly and incorrectly, they're needed to persuade. The The Importance Of Running In Football relates greatly One Smooth Stone Analysis the view of the author. Registration, event schedule and Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals, directions, Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals and contacts.

RSA ANIMATE: The Empathic Civilisation

Many features but registration required for some Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals it. For Bad Girls Don T Die Essay, in a movie named Paulie a young girl that suffers autism gets attached to jack johnson - better together parrot. Teams listing and jingles, past The Importance Of Running In Football, pictures, registration, contacts and event rules. Your connections are being The Importance Of Running In Football by how often you've been My Cultural Identity Of My Identities contact with these people. Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals the amount of empathy I feel would also Jb V. North Carolina Case Study Similarities Between Magna Carta And English Bill Of Rights for the baby and The Importance Of Running In Football than for the human adult. There was a time when I was shown a video Dorman Mcculloughs 1776 Summary where the meat we eat The Importance Of Running In Football from. Baptist Discussion Forum Discussions on Discussions on a variety of topics.

To be able to volunteer for this cause there are certain restrictions and requirements. One of the requirements on this trip to volunteer is to leave their job, family and daily routines for an eight-week period, which is the commitment term given. Another requirement for this program is to go through a screening process. Op-Ed How to make it easier for health workers to volunteer in crises. Life as a student athlete. Being a student athlete and keeping a cool personality is probably one of the hardest things you can do in high school. Maintaining grades, talking to college coaches, and keeping a high social class at school can cause a major head ache. You have to be able to block out a lot f people around school and still be able to make other people happy.

Coaches will be in your head during practice but you can't let your anger on the playing field show at school. You also can't let what anger you have during your sport transfer into school. Then it all turns into a bunch of people asking you a bunch of questions. Me personally that's something I do not like to do. That's why my whole career I decided to stay away from the media and the camera. It will be to much of a stress for me to have a bunch of cameras on me while I need to focus in something totally different. It's just something that some kids can handle and others can't.

Thursday, December 4, View on this unit. As last unit came to a close We were introduced to a new unit in which we would learn abut new things and work on prior knowledge. Coming into this unit I wasn't quite sure how to feel, not because of the workload but because of the amount of areas that I was not familiar with. Before this unit started I had no idea what a rhetorical precis was, but now I have a full understanding and can even write them with great ease. The grammar lessons that we completed also brought forth new writing skills that I was able to use in my essay that we completed in class.

The essay was a different story within itself. When I got to class earlier today I felt that I had all of the right information and knowledge to produce a great essay, but it was quite the opposite. I froze. I don't know what it was, but I couldn't seem to put down on paper exactly what I was trying to say, so I began to just rant, or that's what it felt like. The end result of my essay felt to me to be terrible, and I am unhappy. Other than that, this unit helped a lot, and showed me that even with a larger workload I can produce my work on time and in great quality.

I hope all of you got as much out of this unit as I did and are happy with the results an progress you are making to both your regular work and writing pieces. I wasn't really excited about this new section were in. I think that probably because I really like animals a lot and I feel theyy deserve more rights than they have. Everytime there are school things related to animals being abused i get two different types of feels. I either get really sad and depressed and do not want to talk about the topic or I get really angry and just go off and say random facts abput how animals deserve rights. I feel like some things shouldn't be talked about in class and this maybe being one of them. After reading the articles by Victoria Braithwraite and Jeremy Rifkin it opened up my eyes more to the suffering of the animals.

They really did a great job of convincing me to be more on the side of the animals. I felt for the animals when they used examples of how the animals were human like. I flet like they were one of us and i felt great empathy for them. The thing that mad me super mad though was the "Letter to the editor in responses to "A Change of Heart about Animals. It seemed as if he pulling pulling random stuff out of his rear end. Especially me being on the side of the animals and him totally contradicting it with non facts was really irritating. On a good note it was a very interesting section that I appreciated learning more about. It's nice to read something that I have a great opinion on.

My Op-Ed Article. The piece I chose was an article about Eric Garner. If you do not know who he is or know his story I suggest you look into it. This story was painful and angering to read; the video which has gone viral is even worse. It happened months ago and I believe I watched the video on twitter but I came across it again and this time I looked more into it. Eric Garner did nothing wrong; however, his life was taken. He was choked to death by a police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, who was later found not guilty.

I find it so crazy how there is video evidence of it all going down and the guy still got away with it. The police officer was questioning Garner and claimed he was selling cigarettes individually on the street. Which is illegal I guess, but to be taken down and choked to death for it? I didn't even have to state that Eric Garner was African American; it is obvious.

There is no doubt that we should stop animal cruelty. They are more like us than we imagined. Jeremy Rifkin mentions that. If it wasn't for Rifkin many people like myself would have not known that animals share some of the same traits as humans like grief, self awareness, and the need for affection. Everyone needs to know that animals aren't some type of toy but rather a living creature with feelings.

Rifkin wants his readers to believe that humans and animals are much alike and want some. While some argue that only humans have rights, others contend that animals should have the same privileges as humans. I personally believe animals should have rights but to a certain extent. One of the reasons why I believe animals should not have a Bill Of Rights. Jeremy Rifkin in the article " A Change of Heart about Animals" argues on the fact that as incredible as it sounds, many of our fellow creatures as like us in so many ways.

For example, in a movie named Paulie a young girl that suffers autism gets attached to a parrot. The girl struggles to talk but she just can't. Time passes by and then the girl starts talking because the parrot helped her. An incident happened so the little girl's parents decide to let the parrot go. The parrot ends up in an animal. Animal Rights For many years there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not animals should be given rights, even there own bill of rights. Some who are against the animal bill of rights argue that testing products on animals is important to the safety of humans. They preferred to cast their lot with the idea that human beings' essential nature is rational, detached, autonomous, acquisitive and utilitarian and argued that individual salvation lies in unlimited material progress here on Earth.

Like individuals, nation-states were considered to be autonomous agents embroiled in a relentless battle with other sovereign nations in the pursuit of material gains. It was these very assumptions that provided the philosophical underpinnings for a geopolitical frame of reference that accompanied the first and second industrial revolutions in the 19th and 20th centuries. These beliefs about human nature came to the fore in the aftermath of the global economic meltdown and in the boisterous and acrimonious confrontations in the meeting rooms in Copenhagen, with potentially disastrous consequences for the future of humanity and the planet. If human nature is as the Enlightenment philosophers claimed, then we are likely doomed. It is impossible to imagine how we might create a sustainable global economy and restore the biosphere to health if each and every one of us is, at the core of our biology, an autonomous agent and a self-centered and materialistic being.

Recent discoveries in brain science and child development, however, are forcing us to rethink these long-held shibboleths about human nature. Biologists and cognitive neuroscientists are discovering mirror-neurons--the so-called empathy neurons--that allow human beings and other species to feel and experience another's situation as if it were one's own. We are, it appears, the most social of animals and seek intimate participation and companionship with our fellows. Social scientists, in turn, are beginning to reexamine human history from an empathic lens and, in the process, discovering previously hidden strands of the human narrative which suggests that human evolution is measured not only by the expansion of power over nature, but also by the intensification and extension of empathy to more diverse others across broader temporal and spatial domains.

The growing scientific evidence that we are a fundamentally empathic species has profound and far-reaching consequences for society, and may well determine our fate as a species. What is required now is nothing less than a leap to global empathic consciousness and in less than a generation if we are to resurrect the global economy and revitalize the biosphere. The question becomes this: what is the mechanism that allows empathic sensitivity to mature and consciousness to expand through history? The pivotal turning points in human consciousness occur when new energy regimes converge with new communications revolutions, creating new economic eras. The new communications revolutions become the command and control mechanisms for structuring, organizing and managing more complex civilizations that the new energy regimes make possible.

For example, in the early modern age, print communication became the means to organize and manage the technologies, organizations, and infrastructure of the coal, steam, and rail revolution. It would have been impossible to administer the first industrial revolution using script and codex. Communication revolutions not only manage new, more complex energy regimes, but also change human consciousness in the process. The great hydraulic agricultural civilizations were, for the most part, organized around script communication and steeped in theological consciousness.

The first industrial revolution of the 19th century was managed by print communication and ushered in ideological consciousness. Electronic communication became the command and control mechanism for arranging the second industrial revolution in the 20th century and spawned psychological consciousness. Each more sophisticated communication revolution brings together more diverse people in increasingly more expansive and varied social networks. Oral communication has only limited temporal and spatial reach while script, print and electronic communications each extend the range and depth of human social interaction.

By extending the central nervous system of each individual and the society as a whole, communication revolutions provide an evermore inclusive playing field for empathy to mature and consciousness to expand. For example, during the period of the great hydraulic agricultural civilizations characterized by script and theological consciousness, empathic sensitivity broadened from tribal blood ties to associational ties based on common religious affiliation. In the first industrial revolution characterized by print and ideological consciousness, empathic sensibility extended to national borders, with Americans empathizing with Americans, Germans with Germans, Japanese with Japanese and so on.

In the second industrial revolution, characterized by electronic communication and psychological consciousness, individuals began to identify with like-minded others. Today, we are on the cusp of another historic convergence of energy and communication--a third industrial revolution--that could extend empathic sensibility to the biosphere itself and all of life on Earth. The distributed Internet revolution is coming together with distributed renewable energies, making possible a sustainable, post-carbon economy that is both globally connected and locally managed.

In the 21st century, hundreds of millions--and eventually billions--of human beings will transform their buildings into power plants to harvest renewable energies on site, store those energies in the form of hydrogen and share electricity, peer-to-peer, across local, regional, national and continental inter-grids that act much like the Internet. The open source sharing of energy, like open source sharing of information, will give rise to collaborative energy spaces--not unlike the collaborative social spaces that currently exist on the Internet.

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