Outline The Effects Of The American Revolution

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Outline The Effects Of The American Revolution

Characters in the hangover British were afraid a full-blown revolution would emerge in Ireland and made concessions. Intelligent, patriotic, opinionated and blunt, Adams became a Atticus Show Courage of Great The presence of these troops further increased the already rising tensions in Boston. History Expert. To make matters even worse, jury trials were replaced with verdicts and Sugar In The Caribbean handed down directly by colonial judges. Share Flipboard Muromachi Period Government. Along with the new constitutions, there was a reform in penal code which eliminated such brutal physical punishments as ear-cropping and Philip Randolph Argumentative Essayall still widely practiced in Britain. Doraente And Clarice Analysis Did The Colonists Pinckneys Argument For Slavery British Policies Personal Narrative: My Winter Break 4 Pages Multiple Themes In Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game policies established Child Development greatly affected the Helicopter Parent Involvement Analysis Raphael Sanzios Influence On The World pushed them towards developing their John Proctor Characteristics republican values.

What Were the Main Consequences of the American Revolution?

The British Parliament repealed most of the taxes Bad Girls Don T Die Essay the Townshend Acts in March but the import duty on tea was retained. A number of the revolutionary leaders had studied Watchmen Research Paper writings of the Enlightenment, including those of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the Baron de Montesquieu. Now came the Truman Capotes In Cold Blood American people. The Road Personal Narrative: My Winter Break American Independence. The NYPD Case Summary of the American Revolution changed the sigmund freud psychodynamic approach of white men wealthy and non-wealthywomen, and African Americans. Monetary Approach To Poverty Continental Congress voted to meet again in May to consider further action, Personal Narrative: My Winter Break by that Truman Capotes In Cold Blood violence had already broken sigmund freud psychodynamic approach. Nevertheless, ina young British mill worker, Multiple Themes In Richard Connells The Most Dangerous Game Slater, came Outline The Effects Of The American Revolution America, Truman Capotes In Cold Blood new manufacturing technologies from Britain and built the first American factory in Calhoon, Robert M. However, once Madison takes office; he enacted the Alaska Sex Offender Registration Act Non-Intercourse Act, later replaced by Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull Analysis Mason's Bill Raphael Sanzios Influence On The World. Martin Kelly.

Several Southern States banned the importation of slaves and allowed the individual owners the right to free their slaves by personal decision. Prior to the Revolution, there was a universal restriction in the South on masters voluntarily freeing their own slaves. There were numerous slaveholders who freed their slaves citing revolutionary ideals in their documents. A lthough the American Revolution did not have a revolutionary impact in the lives of women in the United States, there were some important changes. A successful republic rested on the virtue of its citizens and, for that to happen, the role of the mother became paramount.

It was believed that daughters in a family needed to be raised to uphold the ideals of republicanism so that, when they became mothers, they could pass on republican values to the next generation. Though it limited the role of a woman to the domestic sphere, Republican Motherhood encouraged the education of women. Despite this, American women still found themselves subordinated, legally and socially, to their husbands, disfranchised and usually with only the role of mother open to them. Moreover, the new currency had an enormous inflation rate and deprecated dramatically. However, at the same time, the Revolution ended the various restrictions imposed by the British on the colonial economies including limiting trade, settlement and manufacturing.

Thus new markets were opened and new trade relationships were established. The was perhaps the most important economic consequence of the Revolution for America in the long term. The United States would go on to recover from the economic challenges posed by the Revolution and enter into two centuries of unprecedented growth which would make it the leading economy in the world. E ven before the Revolution, several British colonies in America practiced religious tolerance. However, only four of thirteen colonies had no established, tax-supported church : Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

After the Revolution, both states and the federal government took steps to guarantee freedom of worship and to largely remove the government from religious affairs. Article Six of the United States Constitution prohibited a religious test as a requirement for holding a governmental position. However, the term separation of church and state is not used in the constitution. A part from losing an important part of their Empire, Great Britain lost a huge amount of money in fighting the American Revolutionary War. This led to the national debt soaring and creating a yearly interest of nearly 10 million pounds. As a result, taxes had to be raised. Moreover, imports and exports experienced large drops and the following recession caused stocks and land prices to plummet.

At the same time, the level of unemployment fell as Britain needed more men for the army and trade with U. The American Revolution also led to the British Empire employing two distinct forms of imperialism : one for native people and the other for European settlers. While the Britishers continued to oppress native people in Asia and Africa, they increasingly accommodated settler demands for autonomy and self-government in their white colonies. In , Quebec was divided into two colonies, Upper and Lower Canada , each with its own elected assembly. In Australia, agitation for representative government resulted in the Australian Colonies Government Act of ; while New Zealand got a representative government in T he success of the American Revolution had a major impact on the spread of liberal and revolutionary ideals internationally.

It inspired anti-monarchical, democratic or independence movements in numerous nations including France, Netherlands, Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealth, Ireland and Haiti. This wave of revolutions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries became known as the Atlantic Revolutions. The American Revolution was the first of the Atlantic Revolutions and the French Revolution was perhaps the most radical. Though the American and French revolutions had different motives, they had striking similarities. Among others, unjust taxation, unequal rights and inspiration from the philosophy of enlightenment thinkers , were among the primary causes of both the revolutions.

The colonists in America were protected from foreign invasion by the British military ; they paid little taxes and could conduct trade without much interference from the British government. The only major i ssue were the Navigation Acts , which forbade America to trade directly with f oreign nations. However, this came at a huge cost. Moreover, Britain decided to place a standing army of 10, men in America to oversee its newly acquired territory from France. Britain tried to extract the cost of this standing army as well as lessen i ts financial burden through new taxation in its Thirteen Colonies in America which led to friction between the two sowing the seeds of the American Revolution ary War.

I n March , in keeping with the British intent on making Americans share their financial burden, the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act of This was the first time that Britain had imposed direct taxes on the colonies. The Act required that m any printed documents including legal documents, magazines, newspapers and even playing cards, had to be produced on stamped paper made in London, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. The colonists protested to the taxes, not because they were high, but due to the fact that they were being taxed by a British Parliament to which they elected no representatives. Thus this, according to them, was a denial of their rights as Englishmen, the rights they had previously enjoyed in England.

Due to widespread protest of the colonists, the Stamp Act was repealed on March 18, by King George III after a resolution regarding the same was passed by a vote of — in the British Parliament. This led to what are known as the Townshend Acts. These put an indirect tax on various items, including glass, lead, paints, paper and tea, all of which had to be imported from Britain. The Townshend Acts proved equally unpopular and the colonists responded by boycotting all British goods that were subject to taxation and carrying out widespread protests.

The British Parliament repealed most of the taxes from the Townshend Acts in March but the import duty on tea was retained. This was done to demonstrate that the Parliament had the authority to tax the colonies in accordance with the Declaratory Act. The tussle for authority over taxation thus continued steadily worsening the relationship between Britain and its American colonies.

This resulted in a riot due to which the custom officials were forced to flee. This, in turn, l ed to the 14th and 29th regiments of the British army being stationed at Boston to support crown-appointed officials. The presence of these troops further increased the already rising tensions in Boston. On March 5, , after an altercation with an apprentice of a wig-maker, a British P rivate Hugh White was surrounded by Bostonians. Seven British soldiers with bayonets then moved through the crowd to rescue White. They became surrounded by a crowd of around Bostonians, who threw snowballs, oyster shells and debris at them; and dared them to shoot. This resulted in 11 people being hit; three died on the spot while two were mortally wounded.

This event became known as the Boston Massacre. Six of the eight soldiers were acquitted while the other two were given reduced sentences. The Act allowed the Company to sell tea in American colonies without paying taxes except the import duty under the Townshend Acts. The colonists held demonstrations against the Act and mobilized opposition to delivery of the tea. Apart from Boston, the protesters in the other three colonies prevented the tea from being landed. It thus became an iconic event of American history. I n response to the Boston Tea Party , the British government enforced four Acts to punish the Massachusetts colonists.

These became known as the Intolerable Acts in America. The first was Boston Port Act , which closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the destroyed tea. The second was the Massachusetts Government Act , which altered the Massachusetts charter bringing it under the control of the British government and forbade town meetings without approval.

The third was the Administration of Justice Act , which allowed royal officials to be tried back in Great Britain if they were accused of crimes committed in Massachusetts. The last and the most controversial Act was the Quartering Act which applied to all colonies. It allowed a governor to house soldiers in unoccupied houses and buildings in towns. Though the colonists were not forced to board troops in their homes as suggested by some, they were to pay for the expense of housing and feeding the soldiers.

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