Informative Speech About Energy Drinks
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Informative Speech: Effects of Energy Drinks
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The Modern Drunkards. Booze-Soaked Fiction. The Director. The Blackness. Adventures with Alcohol. Adventures with Alcohol: Genetically Predisposed. Top Drunxpeditions. Konyagi: Tears of the Lion. All the Pretty Pictures. Greeting Cards for Guzzlers. Modern Drunk Art How To Articles. Rules Of The Road Trip. The Morning After. Aggravated Alcoholic Amnesia: Blackout Strategies. Drunkards of the Issue. Drunkard of the Issue JT Habersaat. Drunkard of the Issue Oct Boyd Rice. Inebriate Interviews. King Con. Clash of the Tightest. Bout 3: Jack Kerouac Vs. Richard Nixon. The Finals: Gleason Vs. Bout Hemingway Vs. The Great Drunks. Quarterfinals: Burton Vs. Prankster of the Gods.
Historical Hooching. The Founding Drunkards. Privacy Policy Newsletter. Check how to tell if you have depression. See your GP if you think you are depressed. If you have constant uncontrollable feelings of anxiety, you may have what doctors call generalised anxiety disorder GAD in adults. As well as feeling worried and irritable, people with GAD often feel tired. See a GP, as medication and talking therapies can help. If you think your tiredness may be a result of low mood or anxiety, try this short audio guide to dealing with your sleep problems.
In this audio guide, a doctor explains what you can do to give yourself the best chance of a good night's sleep. If you have been feeling constantly tired for more than 4 weeks, it's a good idea to see your GP so they can confirm or rule out a medical condition that could be causing your tiredness. Read more about the 10 medical reasons for feeling tired. And to try to stay on top of things, we sometimes consume too much alcohol or caffeine, or eat sugary and high-fat snacks on the go rather than sitting down for a proper meal.
Drinking too much interferes with the quality of your sleep. Stick to the guidelines of no more than 14 units a week for both men and women. Read more about tips on cutting down on alcohol. Read more about the benefits of exercise. Too much of this stimulant, found in tea, coffee, colas and energy drinks, can upset sleep and make you feel wound-up as well as tired. Night workers often find they get tired more easily. This is more likely if the timing of the shifts keeps changing. If you're tired, you may nap during the day, which can make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep.
Read how to change your lifestyle habits to boost your energy, with the energy 'diet'. Page last reviewed: 25 March Next review due: 25 March Sleep and tiredness Secondary navigation Tiredness and fatigue The energy diet Why lack of sleep is bad for your health 10 medical reasons for feeling tired Self-help tips to fight tiredness 5 ways to wipe out winter tiredness. How to get to sleep 10 tips to beat insomnia How to stop snoring.