Deliberate Misdiagnosis

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Deliberate Misdiagnosis

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The danger of medical misdiagnosis

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That could make many dream of it but I remind you that kundalini should not be an objective in itself. It is the stage which sublimates an awakening. It is accessing joy, ecstasy, purity of the world. It is discovering that a strong connection to God resides in us. Although very desired, the awakening of kundalini can also occur in a completely accidental manner. For example, after a violent incident. The symptoms of an awakening are often compared to the symptoms experienced by the victims in imminent death. This is why looking for the awakening of kundalini can be dangerous when you are not mentally, emotionally and physically ready.

This can cause great disorders in the energies of the body and the individual may feel like going crazy. So to handle with great vigilance! Kundalini psychosis is perhaps the most negative symptom of rising kundalini energy. Instead of activating the crown chakra, the energy can get stuck in the head area. Unsurprisingly, a person who has an alter claiming they are a famous person may be misdiagnosed as having Schizophrenia or a Psychotic Disorder, because claiming to be a famous person is considered a delusion. Psychotherapist Alison Miller gives the highly unusual example of a person who developed alters that were copies of Axl Rose and rest of Guns'N'Roses band - and was misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia as a result.

Alters may be created which are internalized representations introjects of fictional characters. Some people with DID refer to alters based on fictional characters as fictives but this term is not used in literature on DID, which only rarely describes examples of them and doesn't classed as being a separate "type" of alter or given a particular name. Dr Colin Ross, a well known psychiatrist and Dissociative Disorders specialist, states that a group of demonic alter personalities in a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse chose to become Ewoks from Star Wars as part of healing.

Some alters are very limited in their role, for example they may only have a small number of emotions, hold particular isolated memories or have a very limited job. These 'partial' alters are sometimes known as fragments. Special purpose fragments are even more limited, for example existing to carry out a very limited role and never acting beyond that. Memory fragments hold a very limited knowledge of an event, and only experiencing very limited emotions. This type of alter has the job of keeping traumatized alters from appearing. This term covers many different kinds of alter who are not primarily responsible for everyday life, they often hold trauma memories. They often have been so separated from everyday life that they are unaware of the years that have passed and do not know that the body have physically grown up.

These alters are helper parts. They have extensive understanding of different alters and how they work together, and often help by explaining things to the therapist. These alters believe may they are another person entirely, such as an abuser or a close relative. For example, an adult verbally abused as a child may have an introject which states "nobody likes you" or "it's a dog eat dog world" - both of these would negatively affects a person's likelihood of making friends. Introjects can change with psychotherapy. See gatekeeper and internal self-helper.

Alters may be soldiers of different ranks, or believe they are well known political leaders. Groups which are known to have carried out ritual abuse using dissociation to create alters include the US government e. Some alters may have a different gender to that of that body, for example a male alter in a physically female body. Opposite sex alters are usually more like a young girl's idea of how a boy would be an actual boy, or a young boy's idea of how a girl would be. Normally they have personality traits which associated with the gender of the opposite sex.

A female alter in a male body may be very fearful or frightened, and a male alter in a female body may be very angry, feel physically strong, or be very brave. An alter may be have an opposite gender because of sexual abuse, for example a male alter does not have vagina, so will not fear being vaginally raped as the female body was. A female alter may be created in a male because that alter was forced to take on a female role in having sex with men. Alters are the result of severe dissociation; they are "constructed by the 'logic' of dream or trance",[30], and can be strongly influenced by a person's culture. They may view themselves as having a different physical form or no physical form at all, for example a spiritual being , this is recognized within the DSM-5's description of DID.

Some examples include alters that identify as animals, demonic or 'evil' alters , spirits, ghosts or spiritual beings, , mythical figures,[1],[30] robots or machines, or even inanimate objects [9] Some people with DID or DDNOS refer to such alters collectively as "otherkin", although the word otherkin can have different meanings, including meanings not relevant to Dissociative Disorders. Alters which identify as inanimate objects are a type of nonhuman alter, for example a tree. A common type of alter, often acts in a harmful way but there is a protective logic behind a persecutor's actions. All alters "should be treated with equal kindness," despite their behaviors, and persecutors are often seen as "misguided protectors" which can be negotiated with. Download Therapeutic alliance with abuser alters in DID for more information on responding to a persecutor.

Protector alters are common, there are three main types: 'fight' parts, persecutors and caretakers. The 'fight' parts and persecutors are types of EP which have defensive intentions, despite their often self-destructive behaviors such as self-injury or eating disorder behaviors. Protector alters try to manage rage and anger, and avoid feelings of hurt, fear or shame. They focus on perceived threats, and find dependence, emotional needs and close relationships attachment threatening. Protectors may view themselves as a very tough child or teenager, a powerful animal, or a physically strong, adult male. They can act internally, or show external hostility, e. Defensive "acting out" may be directed at a therapist or others close to the person; the ANP may have no behavioral control or memory of it.

However, the "whole person" all alters collectively should still be held responsible for the behavior of all parts. Some alters have psychosis or psychotic symptoms. However, many symptoms which appear psychotic are not. For example, visual flashbacks may be mistaken for hallucinations, and strange body sensations body memories which are physical flashbacks of past trauma can be mistaken for tactile hallucinations. Beliefs caused by trauma can be mistaken for paranoia, for example a person may be told that a "bug" has been implanted by abusers to record any dislosures they make. Working through the memory of the trauma will resolve the paranoia that it caused.

Alters who believe they are robots or machines, and have no understanding of emotions, have been reported in survivors of ritual abuse. In addition, a whole complex of issues such as safe water, refrigeration and basic hygiene remain relatively undeveloped and therefore continues to perpetuate illness that drains vitality. The sheer number of people in the care of one doctor, the remoteness of proper medical facilities and the high cost of treatment prevent early detection of disease; continuation of energy-draining low-grade infections results in either long-lasting or permanently chronic defects. The care of the physical well-being of rural people when called upon to make such efforts at development is a crucial factor that cannot be neglected.

Huge inequalities characterize the current picture of global health. In the Third World, health problems are related to malnutrition, poverty and lack of access to basic needs. Health services in the developing countries have often been based on European or North American models, centering on highly technological, cost-intensive urban hospitals focused on curative rather than preventive health care. In least developed countries, in spite of the high proportion of the population in the vulnerable groups of children and mothers, who are furthermore generally undernourished, public expenditure on health services is very low.

The number of physicians per , population is only about 6, compared to for the developed market-economy countries. The scarce medical personnel and facilities that do exist are concentrated in metropolitan areas, although only a small proportion of thee population lives there, thus exacerbating the already critical situation. In the First World, the health problems of the ageing populations present the greatest challenge.

But there is also the growing complexity of the health system and servicing organizations. Whereas scientists have developed highly effective treatments for many diseases, too many people get inadequate, outdated or even unsafe therapy instead because the health care system is a tangled maze. Today, too many patients go from doctor to doctor in search of one who will not make them wait months for a basic exam, much less one who understands and uses cutting-edge therapy. Another deficiency is the poor response time to patients' needs -- especially if they are sick at night or on the weekend. In the developed countries, the difference between the free-on-demand system typified by the British National Health Service and the fee-for-service system typified by the USA medical care is perhaps best brought out by a comparison of children's consultation rates; children's consultations tend to be more in the nature of preventive medicine than adults.

In the USA, children in families in the highest income group are approximately twice as likely to consult a doctor as children in families in the lowest income group.

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