Essay On The Challenges Facing America Today

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Essay On The Challenges Facing America Today

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Here, the region with its high urban concentrations and weak governance structures may have to deal with many more consequences than the purely organic models might predict. Increasingly the world is connected through transfers of humans, merchandise, capital, and culture. Increasingly, we will need some indices that quantify dependence on the global web by domain and also location of origins and destinations.

So, for example, most of Western Europe and East Asia is more tightly dependent on the continued flow of goods especially food and fuel than is the United States. On the one hand, the region is in much better shape than most others around the globe. A breakdown in the global supply and demand would not leave the region permanently starving and thirsty. Among the middle-income economies, Latin America is distinguished by the relatively low percentage of GDP accounted for by trade with Mexico being a prominent exception. That apparent robustness, however, masks a structural fragility.

The position of the region in the global trade system remains practically the same as it was in the 19th Century. The situation in Argentina and Peru is even worse. In a paradox that theorists of dependency theory would not find surprising, the region as a whole exports a significant amount of crude oil, but is increasingly dependent on imports of refined gasoline. Similar stories can be told of a myriad of industrial and chemical products. Remittances are another form of dependence on a continuing global system and these remain an important part of the economies of several countries. These are economies whose engagement in global trade is largely an exchange of human labor for wages in another currency. China and the United States represent an outsized share of the export markets in the region.

Disruption in either of these political economies or breakdowns in the global trade infrastructure would severely constrain the delivery of exports and imports. It seems historically inaccurate to single out inequality as one of the challenges Latin America faces towards the future. Inequality is a historical stigma, constantly visible, throughout all countries in the region.

Why is inequality a defining characteristic of Latin America? One possible answer is that economic inequality is a self-reinforcing phenomenon that cannot be separated from its political consequences. As countries become more unequal, the political institutions they develop and the relative strength of different political actors might make economic inequality more durable. Modern Latin America was early on set on a path of inequality, and it has mostly been faithful to it. Therefore, the main challenge Latin America faces in terms of inequality might not be economic inequality per se but the capacity to keep access to political institutions broad and open enough so that the underprivileged can influence economic outcomes.

The last couple of decades in Latin America offer some hope on how inequality can be reduced, though it may not be enough to say that the region is set on a path that will finally make equality self-reinforcing. The s was a decade where inequality increased overall in the region. The establishment of cash-transfer programs explains in large part this important change, especially in the overall reduction of the GINI coefficient. In contrast to previous social policy in the region, these programs are targeted to the population with lowest incomes, thus achieving a direct impact on inequality by affecting the indicator we use to measure it: income.

The most visible transfer programs because of their size and their measured impact were Oportunidades in Mexico, and Bolsa Familia in Brazil. However, similar programs were implemented in other countries throughout the region. Also, excluding important cases like Mexico, minimum wages were raised in most of the region during the same period, again affecting directly the income of the poorest.

It is hard not to associate the reduction of inequality in Latin America with the election of left-wing governments in the early years of the current century Huber, The establishment of democracy not only brought more stable political institutions, and less political violence, it also brought the opportunity for segments of the population that had been historically underrepresented to finally influence policy decisions. The cases of Bolivia with the election of Evo Morales, the Frente Amplio governments in Uruguay, the center-left coalition in. Chile and the PT in Brazil are some of the most prominent examples. However, stable organizations that substantially represent the underprivileged like labor unions are either weak or due to the historical exclusion of informal workers tend to represent another source of privilege, not of equalization.

The diminishing rate in the reduction of inequality for the s is a bitter reminder that the relevant characteristic of the region is not only the prevalence of inequality, but also its durability. Even though cash-transfer programs may have put a dent in it, their effect is limited by the fact that after their initial success further coverage can only be marginal and increasing the value of the transfers might put too much pressure on public finances, as economists throughout the region have argued Gasparini, This is especially true now since the ability of many Latin American countries to keep rates of economic growth stable has been put into question in the last couple of years.

Furthermore, even though economic inequality is a highly visible aspect of inequality, and one that is constantly measured, it only illustrates indirectly other aspects of inequality. Stark differences in the quality and access to public goods like a healthy environment, comfortable housing, and other aspects that determine our overall quality of life might be even more important that just income inequality. As it is well known, Latin America is still highly unequal in all these other aspects.

The combination of slower economic growth and persistent inequality is a source of anxiety for all political actors in the region. The political effect on the stabilization of inequality cannot be underestimated. People are directly affected by differences in income in terms of lifetime outcomes. However their perception of fairness and justice are also strongly linked to levels of inequality. Negative perceptions regarding the fairness of society are a source of anxiety for economic elites. They worry that populist politicians might come into office and wreak havoc to economic stability. At the same time, leftist parties and politicians worry that economic elites and international financial institutions will overreact to demands of redistribution by curtailing the ability of the underprivileged to influence policy.

This anxiety filled context may lead to situations such as the current political turmoil in Brazil which should be a cautionary note for the rest of the region. There are two main challenges that Latin America currently faces in regard to violence. The first one is an increase in interpersonal violence throughout the region; and the second one is violence linked to organized crime, especially in areas that are relevant for drug related markets. The latter type of violence is constantly made visible by the media and it has become a source of mano dura policies with little respect for human rights, whereas it is the former, interpersonal violence that claims more victims every year in countries across the region.

There is great variation in national homicide rates within Latin America, and there is even more variation within countries see Figure 2. Some countries like Honduras and El Salvador share the highest levels of homicides around the world, whereas others like Chile and Uruguay are among the lowest. Larger countries like Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela have regions where their homicide rates are comparable to those of Scandinavian countries, while at the same time they have locations with levels of violence reminiscent of the American wild-west.

A large part of this variation is explained by social and demographic phenomena. The two characteristics that seem to be driving violence are demographic structures with bulges of young men, and an increasing participation of women in the labor market Rivera, Though these large trends do not allow to pinpoint with precision the motivations behind increasing interpersonal violence, it is not farfetched to make the link between violence, changing family structures, weakened state institutions, and the increasing presence of unsupervised young men. This absence of supervision or social control, either by traditional social institutions—i. The other important source of variation is not drug production or trafficking per se, but how governments deal with illegal drug markets Lessing, There are some countries that are ranked as large producers of drug-related products, but have little violence linked to them.

On the other hand, there are other countries with small drug markets, or with territories exclusively used as trafficking routes, where there are high levels of violence associated to these activities. Governments sometimes confront, sometimes appease, and sometimes simply turn a blind eye to drug trafficking; each policy option leading to divergent outcomes in terms of violence. Nonetheless, even if structural sources of violence play an important role in explaining insecurity in Latin America, the perception many people have is that the main source of violence and crime is impunity. Everyday life in most countries in the region goes on with the expectation that the authorities will not be able to intervene when a robbery or homicide is committed, and once it is committed the expectation is that victims will not receive much help.

Furthermore, perpetrators will most likely not be punished or if they are punished this punishment will be attenuated by their relative economic or political power. In this respect prospects are grim. Reflecting on the future, the region has to seriously reconsider the basic premises of what produces violence, and what controls it. It has to rethink both the role of the state and the role of society on what controls the use of violence in everyday life, and what exacerbates it.

By any standard measure, the Latin American state is weak and fragile. Perhaps the most obvious indicator is the size of the percentage of the economy accounted for by the state. Whether measured in terms of revenue or expenditure, the Latin American states are small and broadly ineffective. Paradoxically, Latin American states do perform well in some of the functions associated with strong institutions.

The region as a whole outperforms countries with similar wealth in providing some foundation of public health and educations. But in others and notably monopoly over the means of violence as described above Latin American government institutions are widely perceived as inadequate. Infrastructure is one area where the region underperforms based on its wealth. This creates a permanent obstacle to more sophisticated forms of economic development and also takes a toll on citizens relying on transport and communication services.

The delivery of some services such as postal and garbage collection is very bad and has often been absorbed by private sector firms. One indication of the relative weakness of the state is the size of the informal economy. While some may argue that this serves as an economic dynamism, it also means that the state has a difficult time taxing much of the economic activity and also fails to protect workers. The enforcement of contracts is also a problem, as confidence in the courts remains low. A similar story could be told of the public service in general where with the exception of some islands of excellence such as Central Banks standards are less than Weberian Centeno et al.

Corruption is a major problem and as in the case of Brazil over the past few years, a source not just of economic inefficiency, but a challenger to the legitimacy of government itself. Some of these conditions are the product of the international context and some might be the product of domestic political coalitions. Therefore, the future is far from certain. On the one hand, it could be argued that increased and increasing globalization further diminishes the capacity of states to control fiscal policy, and thus redistribute wealth through services and social policy. On the other hand, rising globalization may allow for more opportunities for developing countries to turn commodity booms into sources of capitalization for local investment.

Furthermore, criminal enterprises have expanded the access to international markets both as sellers as in the case of drug-trafficking and as buyers as in the case of money laundering and arms , while international cooperation may allow for better coordination in the pursuit of transnational criminal organizations. Many of the challenges facing Latin America in the 21st Century are ones with which it has dealt since independence from Spain years ago. The dependence on fragile trade relationships and primary products, the incessant violence, and inequality practically defined the region in the 19th Century. The fragility of the environment and the global web are new, but the outstanding challenge remains the same: the institutionalization of social order through the state.

While the region may not be able to resolve all the challenges it faces, nothing can be done without the solidification of state capacity. Some states in Latin America might be better than others with regards to their performance in terms of the provision of certain services, or the implementation of particular policies. However, the type of solidification in dire need is one the makes both state and society more regular and predictable. Everyday, Latin Americans makes use of their ingenuity in order to deal with the unexpected and irregular sources of violence, poverty, and environmental phenomena.

However, individual ingenuity is costly when mostly directed at basic needs, and uncertainty has only increased with globalization and with the slow pace by which the world has met the challenge of human-made environmental changes. Overall, Latin American states have not been able to make economic activity predictable for most of the population. Policies directed towards social inclusion have become less and less about building institutions that permanently help individuals deal with the uncertainties of the market, and more about providing minimal and intermittent relief to those in a situation of emergency. Likewise, most states throughout the region have not been able to control interpersonal violence and in some cases the state itself has become a source of increased violence.

Paradoxically, this means that in a more uncertain world, instead of states becoming a source of stability and regularity, they have become an added source of uncertainty for everyday life. This paradox might be the greatest challenge Latin America has to face. Meeting the challenge implies that countries will need stronger states, not only for implementing specific policies, but more importantly for developing new ways to regularly deal with the increasing risks their populations are facing. Centeno, Miguel A. Yashar Eds. States in the Developing World. Centeno, Miguel, M. Nag, TS Patterson, A.

Before we ask the main question, whether America underwent a revolution in the Late 18th century we must first define what a revolution is. In the past it used to mean there was a change in the society but then after a period of time it would return to the way it China America excluded Asians the most, and more specifically Chinese immigrants. This discrimination towards the Chinese and According to data from the Third National The decision for America to reform its health care system Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has taken a revolutionary and courageous position to curb the invasion of illegal aliens in the state by signing into law tough In America , there are many problems that have to be dealt with. One of those problems is illiteracy.

The number of people who cannot read or write is rising quickly. This is a huge problem in the United States that everyone should realize. America one of the highest illiteracy percentage compared to What are the decisions facing JetBlue? The main decisions facing JetBlue is formulating strategies to improve and decrease their threats as well as their weaknesses.

Other decisions include discovering new ways to expand their operations, and being more proactive to the future of the company. People are are causing these unnatural and dangerous problems. Little by little, humans are contributing to the destruction of the earth. Global Warming is a huge, huge problem. There are The United States of America is facing an obesity epidemic. CDC Obesity is a major risk factor for chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, high South America is an incredibly geographically diverse continent. The Amazon River and the surrounding river basin is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. The Andes Mountains are some of the most interesting landforms on the planet and stretch the entire length of the western seaboard. The Amazon At the time GM employed over 91, US employees and operated over 5, dealerships Problem Solution: Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing is evolving into one of the largest manufacturing companies.

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Next, identify what you believe to be the most pressing problem facing America today, providing Do you agree with the authors? Why or why not? New York: New American Library, , In Looking Backward, Edward Bellamy argued that one of the most significant problems facing America in was the reoccurring fight between the laborers and the industrial factory owners that they worked for. To understand the industrial Energy shot is an emerging category in energy drink segment. These sports and energy drinks include alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks which are facing strict regulations in few of the countries whereas gaining popularity in others. Apart from pricing, manufacturers try to differentiate their products Immigration seemed to be an ideal solution for most of Egyptians to escape from the serious issues our country is facing.

However, it has been argued that these problems are continuously fading since the revolution. Three of the most debatable issues were unemployment, bad health care and environmental Latin groups in America. Page 2 Mexicans are the largest group of Hispanic Americans. There are almost 14 million documented Mexicans living in the United States of America.

Most Mexican Americans reside in California and Texas. Mexican Americans are facing many troubles lately What do you think are the biggest issues facing young people today? I have chosen this one because it is normally at a young age, when there is lots Americans believe that terrorism is the greatest threat facing the world today. Others say that it's the shortage of food and the threat of hunger. What is your opinion? To Americans, it is understandable to think that terrorim is the greatest threat facing the world today. However, to the rest of the world They are currently

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