Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military

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Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military

Campaign to Stop Killer Coke. Eligible individuals Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military be in regular-status, leave-accruing employment and must Social Media Nightmare received a direct instruction from their supervisor to be present for The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble during such a closing. He also said that, you know, sincehe had been involved in efforts Summary Of Rifkins Overall View Of Animals protect women from violence, The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble the Violence Against Women Act, including Odysseus: A Tragic Hero while he was the vice president in the Obama administration around The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble on Odysseus: A Tragic Hero campuses. Then when you look at the private institutions, we realize that this is a problem that is Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military, that is pervasive, and that The Benefits Of Community Service need some leadership to address. Students who are subject to federal military activation Gottredson And Hirschis Theory Analysis covered by a separate policy. Archived Examples Of Jargon In Musicophilia the original on Themes Of Scrooge In A Christmas Carol 25,

How Bad Is Sexual Abuse In The U.S. Military?

Staff and Administrative Personnel: The university will be completely closed only rarely and in extreme situations since it is essential that public safety be The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble, that buildings and equipment be protected and The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble services be provided for those students housed Odysseus: A Tragic Hero An Essay About Courage In Life facilities. When possible, the sanction should Personal Essay: Moving To America selected with the what is technical knowledge of aiding the student in understanding the seriousness of The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble behavior and the consequences of ethical misconduct. Associated Press. Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military form is less clear cut and is more subjective. Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military was told she was being Media Impact On Womens Prostitution from specialist to Ptsd In Service Animals first class, despite Army Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military not allowing for immediate, on-the-spot demotions. Harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying, and other abuses of power and authority, Odysseus: A Tragic Hero a form of discrimination that, The Derogatory Concept Of Masterbation By Alan Soble Matthew Hartleys Legal Obligation Ethical Issues Of Sexual Harassment In The Military, limits Describe Racial Profiling access to Gottredson And Hirschis Theory Analysis virtual Hamlet Misguided In Hamlet physical Examples Of Jargon In Musicophilia where such harassment takes place. No one has more exclusive content. Perkins Analysis Of The Way To Rainy Mountain Essay he has contacted the inspector general multiple times Native American Western Expansion complaints about the th leadership and faced continued retaliation for speaking out.

Before a committee of all white men, Anita Hill testified about how Thomas had sexually harassed her when he was chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and she worked there as an adviser to him. Her testimony was unlike anything heard before at a Supreme Court nominee hearing. Here's Hill answering questions from Joe Biden, who was then the chair of the Judiciary Committee and was asking her to lay out her allegations.

HILL: The incident involved his going to his desk, getting up from a work table, going to his desk, looking at this can and saying, who put pubic hair on my Coke? HILL: There is - I recall, at least one instance in his office at the EEOC, where he discussed some pornographic material or he brought up the substance or the content of pornographic material. What was the content of what he said? HILL: Well, this was a reference to an individual who had a very large penis, and he used the name that he had been referred to in the pornographic material.

She was accused of fabrication and erotomania. She received death threats. But her testimony was a wake-up call. As New Yorker staff writer Jane Mayer, who co-authored a book about the hearings, said on our show, many of us had experienced sexual harassment, but didn't really know the name for it or how to handle it, or that there was a way around it.

By making her case and speaking so straightforwardly about it, Anita Hill educated the country. Now, Anita Hill has a new book called "Believing: Our Thirty-Year Journey To End Gender Violence," drawing on some of her own experiences, legal cases and stories shared with her by victims of sexual harassment and assault. She writes about what's changed and what still needs to be changed. She's a professor of social policy, law and women's and gender studies at Brandeis University and an activist working against gender-based violence.

It's a pleasure to have you back on the show. It's been almost exactly 30 years since the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. You were a very private person at the time that you testified. You were not used to speaking in public. How have you changed since then? And how has your purpose in life changed since then? HILL: Well, the closest thing that I had to speaking in public 30 years ago was speaking in front of a classroom. And, frankly, speaking in front of a classroom actually helped me in my testimony and has helped me evolve to what I hope is a better public speaker than I was 30 years before. It's very, very hard to sum up all the ways that my life has changed since I've actually changed my focus of work outside of teaching from sexual harassment in the workplace and loan employment discrimination - and, well, I shouldn't say I have changed that.

I've expanded that include other forms of gender violence. Do you feel that, in its own uninvited way, that the Clarence Thomas hearings led you to find your purpose in life and your purpose within the civil rights movement? HILL: I'd say yes. The hearings really moved me in that direction in a way that I hadn't expected, though. Because at the time of the hearing, I was teaching primarily commercial law and contracts. I did some teaching in the area of sex discrimination as covered by the civil rights laws, the Civil Rights Act of But that was not my primary teaching focus, and it wasn't even my primary research focus.

However, I think it was the hearing and the combination of hearing from victims and survivors about their experiences that pushed me to look more deeply at how the law was, in many ways, failing them. GROSS: So when you testified at the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings 30 years ago, you said that he discussed pornographic material or that he brought up the substance and content of pornographic material, including involving women with large breasts and engaged in a variety of sex with different people or animals. You said he referred to a character who had a very large penis called Long Dong Silver.

He denied those things. Did he also deny at the hearings that he had pornographic films or rented pornographic films at the time? This was the era where people rented movies. HILL: You know, that question was not raised to him specifically, but I think there were inferences in his testimony that would suggest that his engagement with pornographic materials just didn't happen at all. GROSS: Jane Mayer, who is a New Yorker staff writer and a frequent guest on our show, and journalist Jill Abramson wrote a book about the hearings that was published in the '90s, and they did a lot of investigation of their own.

And among the things they found is that people who knew Clarence Thomas in college and after that said that he was an avid fan of porn and that he also had a large collection of Playboy magazines - not that there's anything wrong with that. But if Thomas evaded the truth or lied while he was testifying, I'm just wondering if you think there's a possibility that he perjured himself during the hearings while under oath. HILL: Well, two things. First of all, I never asserted that Thomas did not have the right to view pornography.

However, when it is brought into the workplace and discussed openly over the objection of the people in the room, and even without their explicit objection, it can create a hostile environment for those people who aren't interested in hearing about pornography as they're trying to do their jobs. The question of perjury - I can't say I'm up to date on all of the requirements to meet a question of perjury in the legal sense.

But if one looks at the record and there is evidence of what he testified to was not truthful, then, of course, there can continue to be at least journalistic investigation into whether or not he committed perjury. But let me just say this. Just as Justice Kavanaugh has been protected from further investigations by the judicial system, Thomas will be protected from any investigation by the judicial system because they are now sitting as judges on the Supreme Court. HILL: Well, my understanding of the law is that sitting justices on the Supreme Court are not subject to scrutiny in the same way that judges sitting on the federal courts - throughout the federal courts are subjected to.

In other words, a complaint against a sitting Supreme Court justice will not be investigated by the judicial system. How troubled are you that he is now the longest-serving Supreme Court justice? HILL: You know, it's - I'm so glad you asked that question because my goal in this book is to talk about the process of the Senate Judiciary Committee, how we are vetting judges to get onto the court. And I think that's the bigger question. My concern is about the systemic problems in protecting people who commit gender violence or misconduct.

What I really want to focus on is, where is the process that we need to be in place that will fully vet judges and Supreme Court justice nominees from actually getting on the court in the first place? And that lies within the Senate. We have a process right now, as evidenced in and in , that really is - it's nonexistent, I should say. A process - an effective process would have clear guidelines about where an individual should go if they have information about a nominee.

And if I don't know about it, I don't know how anybody would know about it who had that kind of information. HILL: Oh, well, first of all, you need to have clearly understood and public and transparent a complaint filing process. How do you report this? Who do you report it to? What's going to happen with the information once it's reported. All of those things need to be in a complaint process. The second really important element is an investigation, a thorough investigation that goes beyond the testimony or the statements of each individual, the person bringing the complaint and the person that they're accusing of misconduct. HILL: And that's what we have now. And finally, you have to have a clear understanding of what the consequences are when evidence is thoroughly weighed and there is a conclusion that there's some reasonable belief that the complaints are truthful.

We don't have any of that now. And therefore, we really are at risk of what happening in and what happening in happening all over again. You got all kinds of threats, and Christine Blasey Ford had to actually move and basically go into hiding 'cause the threats became so bad. What kind of protection would you like to see for women who come forward? HILL: Well, you know, this is - when I talked before about a process - just a basic complaint process, that's just the beginning because I think what people don't understand is that there is a before, during the hearing and after the hearing problem. And what I think people assumed in my case and perhaps in Christine Blasey Ford's case, too, was that we just went home and everything was back to normal.

And nothing could be further from the truth. For each of us, what we need and what was really lacking was that the senators held this hearing, which put us really at risk of public blowback, but then offered nothing in terms of resources or guidance or statements to the effect that when we stepped forward, we were doing something that it was - that was our right to do and was, in fact, our civic duty to do, to bring evidence to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Let's get back to my interview with Anita Hill. It's been 30 years since she testified at the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings that he'd sexually harassed her at work. Can you tell us a little bit about what you experienced after you testified - what kind of threats that you had, hostility that you faced? HILL: I faced death threats. And a threat to myself and my home is a threat to my family members. I remember one episode in particular where I was at home Friday evening, and I got a call from the dean of the law school saying that there was a bomb threat on my home.

It just happened that that was a weekend where my mother, who was 80 years old, and my sister and her three young children were visiting me. And we had to make a decision about evacuating the home, whether the threat was so clear that I needed to evacuate. You know, there were other vulgarities that came through in the mail - terrible, nasty materials - and I'm talking about physical excrement - human excrement, I suppose. I mean, so we - those threats that happened in were mostly in the mail. But I suppose today what happens is with all of the social media and the different platforms for threatening folks that the threats are actually even more vivid and more pervasive today for witnesses coming forward.

GROSS: Did you have to, like, harden yourself, toughen your exterior in order to survive the kind of threats and hostility that you faced? You also faced a lot of love, a lot of outpouring of support and a lot of people who wanted to tell you about their stories, people who wanted your help or your reassurance or, you know, your legal help - all kinds of things. But what about facing the hostility and the threats - What did you have to do emotionally and psychologically to live through that? There was that sense of isolation during the time of the hearing that existed. But afterwards, hearing from others who had faced similar circumstances - maybe not as public, but privately faced those circumstances when they tried to complain - hearing from them, just realizing that I was not alone in facing this kind of scrutiny and actually - actual hostility, was affirming.

But I also - from - internally, I also knew that what I had done was the right thing to do because I had important information about an individual who was picked to sit for a lifetime appointment - a lifetime appointment - on our country's highest court. And that was my duty to do. The Chair of the Graduate Council will convene an ad hoc committee and will schedule a hearing and give all parties ten 10 days written notice of the hearing.

The ad hoc committee will review the appeal with all attachments and provide the graduate student and the individual who imposed the sanction the opportunity to review and respond to all evidence. The participants may bring an advisor or legal counsel to the hearing who may not participate in the proceedings but may advise the student. The ad hoc committee will operate with due respect to the rights of graduate students, faculty, and administrators including the conduct of interviews, the right of all parties to review and address allegations, and the right to a fair hearing.

Within ten 10 days of the hearing, the ad hoc committee will render a written decision and forward it to the graduate student, individual imposing the sanction, the Dean of the Graduate College, and the CAO. The decision of the CAO is final. This is defined as termination of student status, including any right or privilege to receive some benefit, or recognition, or certification. A student may be academically dismissed from a limited enrollment program and remain eligible to enroll in courses in other programs at Marshall University; or a student may be academically dismissed from the institution and not remain eligible to enroll in other courses or programs at Marshall University. The terms of academic dismissal from a program for academic deficiency shall be determined, defined, and published by each of the constituent colleges and schools of Marshall University.

Academic dismissal from a program or from the University may also be imposed for violation of the University policy on academic dishonesty. This policy is designed to help students who left college with low grades. It will be implemented, provided certain conditions are satisfied, where the D and F repeat rule is not applicable:. This policy applies only to the calculation of the GPA required for graduation and does not apply to GPA calculation for special academic recognition such as graduating with honors or to requirements for professional certification which may be within the province of licensure boards, external agencies, or the West Virginia Board of Education.

The dean can accept, modify, or reject the application and will provide a justification. Students who do not normally qualify for readmission because of a low GPA will, if their request for forgiveness is approved, be readmitted and placed on academic probation. The decision of forgiveness must be made again whenever the student changes programs, departments, colleges, or institutions. Students should be aware that this policy is not necessarily recognized by other institutions of higher education outside the state of West Virginia.

See section on Board of Regents degree. Academic Probation is a period of restricted enrollment for a student. All probation students are subject to the following restrictions. Academic Suspension is defined as a period in which a student cannot enroll in courses at Marshall University. Students who earn less than a 2. Failure to meet all of the requirements of the Academic.

Improvement Plan or exceeding the Quality Point Deficits listed in Table 1 will result in suspension. A second suspension will be for a period of one calendar year. Third and subsequent suspensions will be for a period of two calendar years each. The petition must be in writing and provide evidence that the student can meet the requirements of his or her Academic Improvement Plan. The written petition for readmission must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester for which readmission is sought.

Probation for Academic Dishonesty Academic probation for up to 1 year may be recommended by the instructor but will need to be imposed by the department chair, academic dean or the Office of Academic Affairs. Any student who has less than a 3. Following notification of probation and prior to subsequent registration, students will be counseled by their advisor or the department chair. During this session, the student will be advised of his or her deficiencies and the requirements for removing the deficiencies within the next nine semester hours of enrollment.

Students may repeat courses for which they earned a low grade. Please review Repeating Courses for more information. The student will not be permitted to register without the written approval of the Dean of the Graduate College or the Dean of the College Education and Professional Development. If probationary status is not removed within a satisfactory time period, the Dean of the Graduate College in consultation with the graduate department will determine if the student is to be retained or recommended for dismissal and what counseling or remediation steps will be required of the student as a condition of retention.

Medical School students should consult the appropriate Medical School publications for the description of this sanction. It is the policy of Marshall University to provide equal opportunities to all prospective and current members of the student body, faculty, and staff on the basis of individual qualifications and merit without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or sexual orientation.

This nondiscrimination policy also applies to all programs and activities covered under Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in higher education. The university ensures equality of opportunity and treatment in all areas related to student admissions, instructions, employment, placement, accommodations, financial assistance programs and other services. Marshall University also neither affiliates with nor grants recognition to any individual, group or organization having policies that discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or sexual orientation. Further, the university is committed to the ideals of inclusion for students, faculty and staff and whenever appropriate, will take affirmative steps to enhance diversity.

It is the policy of Marshall University to provide equal opportunities to all prospective and current members of the student body, faculty, and staff on the basis of individual qualifications and merit without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin, or sexual orientation. Marshall University strives to provide educational opportunities for minorities and women in the graduate student body which reflect the interest, individual merit and availability of such individuals. The University ensures equality of opportunity and treatment in all areas related to student admissions, instructions, employment, placement accommodations, financial assistance programs and other services.

Instructors can introduce new material and give make up exams during the Dead Week. Exemptions from this policy include night classes, laboratories, freshman English composition courses, and any classes meeting once a week. Dead Week is not applicable to Intersession or Summer Session. Students are expected to attend punctually all class meetings, laboratory sessions, and field experiences and to participate in all class assignments and activities as described in the Course Syllabus. Absences are counted from the first class meeting after the student registers. Students registering late are expected to make up all missed assignments in a manner determined by the instructor. Students should be aware that excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, may affect their ability to earn a passing grade.

The instructor of each class shall establish a policy on class attendance and make-up work, and provide the policy to students in the Course Syllabus. This policy must not conflict with university policies, including this policy. Students must promptly consult with their instructors about all class absences. Instructors will work with students to identify appropriate documentation and discuss any missed class time, tests, or assignments.

Except in the case of University Excused Absences, it is the decision of the instructor to excuse an absence or to allow for additional time to make up missed tests or assignments. A student may not be penalized for an excused absence, provided that the student, in a manner determined by the instructor, makes up the work that has been missed. Instructors are required to honor valid University Excused Absences and to provide reasonable and equitable means for students to make up work missed as a result of those absences.

Academic obligations that cannot be made up should be addressed by the course instructor in consultation with the student to ensure that continued enrollment is feasible while there is still an opportunity to drop the course within the established withdrawal period. This policy excludes academic endeavors that require the completion of a specific number of clock hours, such as clinical experiences, practica, and internships.

For those courses, the department chair or program supervisor will determine the maximum number of absences. This policy does not supersede program accreditation requirements. This policy also excludes laboratory courses that require significant preparation and monitoring. For such courses, departments will determine the minimum number of laboratories a student must complete to pass the course. If a student cannot complete this number of labs, the instructor may recommend that the student withdraw from the class.

These are addressed by the instructor or the Student Advocate and Success Specialist as described in each item. Appropriate documentation is required for each absence. The Student Advocate and Success Specialist will notify course instructors of his or her actions using the university e-mail system. Information technology is playing an increasingly important role in the life of each individual, and consequently to the Marshall University community.

Access to these finite resources is a privilege and is provided with an expectation of responsible and acceptable use. In addition to the principles and guidelines provided in this policy, institutional policies along with certain federal, state and local regulations apply to the use of the information technology environment ITE. The basic premise of this policy is that responsible and acceptable use of the Marshall University ITE does not extend to whatever an individual is capable of doing.

Instead, certain principles provide a guide to users regarding responsible and acceptable behaviors and users are responsible for knowing and understanding them. These principles and guidelines include, but are not limited to:. Suspected or known violations should be reported to the appropriate University computing unit. Violations may result in revocation of computing resource privileges, academic dishonesty or Honor Council proceedings, faculty, staff or student disciplinary action, or legal action. The maintenance, operation, and security of computing resources require responsible University personnel to monitor and access the system.

Nevertheless, that privacy is subject to the West Virginia Access to Public Records Act, other applicable state and federal laws, and the needs of the University to meet its administrative, business, and legal obligations. The Information Technology Environment discussed above consists, not only, of the superficial wires, equipment and devices of the data, voice, video, and more conventional information networks on our campuses and the world! In this respect the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts and thus the effect of inappropriate use of this resource can be much greater than might be imagined.

This should not be a cause for hesitation about its use but merely a call for thoughtful consideration of action. In describing the responsibilities and acceptable behaviors related to the Information Technology Environment, certain analogies can be drawn. Social norms, behaviors, and responsibilities associated with the use of electronic communication, publication, media, and access authorization are no different than the conventional mediums with which we are all familiar, i.

Similarly, as in your residence hall room or office space, in the course of normal maintenance of the IT environment, certain information may be seen by those attending to the maintenance. All employees of Information Technology are instructed that the disclosure of this information is a punishable offense as is the willful intrusion without cause. Also, in a similar manner, you are allowed the use of certain space and accouterments and are expected to utilize them in a responsible manner by taking proper care, providing reasonable security, and respecting the property and privacy rights of others occupying similar spaces and their assigned, and private resources.

Although most users strive for acceptable and responsible use of the ITE, inexperienced users may unwittingly engage in behaviors that violate the principles and guidelines of responsible and acceptable use. To that end, this section outlines some of the more common forms of violations that occur. These examples should not be interpreted as an exhaustive list of violations. Questions regarding the appropriateness of specific behaviors should be directed to Computing Services. Computing Services is authorized to engage in investigations and apply certain penalties to enforce this policy.

These penalties include, but are not limited to, temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of access privileges to any or all of the components of the ITE. If, in the opinion of Computing Services, it is necessary to preserve the integrity of facilities, services, or data, Computing Services may suspend any access, whether or not the account owner is suspected of a violation. In such a case, Computing Services will attempt to notify the user of any such action after the potential threat to the facilities, services, or data is contained. If such an investigation is required it will be done only under the direct authorization of the Executive Director of Computing Services and all effort will be made not to disclose any content to anyone other than those with a need to know during the investigation or adjudication of the alleged offense.

Again, all effort will be made not to disclose any content to anyone other than those with a need to know. However, where there are moral, ethical, or legal implications of the nondisclosure of such information Computing Services personnel are similarly instructed to contact the Executive Director of Computing Services, who, may authorize its disclosure to appropriate authorities if deemed warranted.

In most cases an individual accused of a violation of this policy will be notified and have an opportunity to respond before a final determination of a penalty is made. The Executive Director of Computing Services or their designee, in conjunction with other responsible parties e. If a penalty is levied, the decision may be appealed through the appropriate channels.

In those instances when it is necessary to alter the schedule in response to weather conditions, every effort will be made to notify all those affected—students, faculty, staff and the general public—as expeditiously and as comprehensively as possible in the following ways:. NOTE: This section applies only to the Huntington campus and all releases should make it clear that it relates only to the Huntington campus. The weather-related closings policy for the South Charleston campus and other education centers will be managed by the chief administrative officer as designated by the university president for the respective location, and all releases should make clear that the release applies only to the affected location.

South Charleston procedures are in a separate section, which follows. Definitions: University Closed: All classes suspended and offices closed. Delays will usually be in the range of one to two hours. Employees are expected to report to work at their normal starting times unless they feel that travel is unsafe. Employees do not have to report to their offices until the stated delay time.

If they believe they cannot travel to work safely by the stated delay time, they may charge accrued annual leave for the work hours from the stated delay time until they can next report to work. Class operation under delays: Under both categories of delay, students should go to the class that would begin at the stated delay time or the class that would have convened within 30 minutes of the stated delay time. A two-hour delay means that classes that begin at a. Classes that begin at a. Click for further examples.

Exceptions with regard to employees: Certain critical and emergency employees may be required to report to work on time or earlier than normally scheduled despite the particular delay code published. Information about closing, cancellations, or delays will ordinarily be disseminated to area radio and television stations. The university will be completely closed only rarely and in extreme situations since it is essential that public safety be maintained, that buildings and equipment be protected and that services be provided for those students housed in campus facilities.

Therefore, under Classes Cancelled, above, all university staff and administrative employees will be expected to report to work, unless notified otherwise. Employees may be eligible for substitute time off STO if they were directed by their supervisor to be present for work during a period of inclement weather closing or other emergency closing. Eligible individuals must be in regular-status, leave-accruing employment and must have received a direct instruction from their supervisor to be present for work during such a closing. Eligible part-time employees may receive STO on a pro rata basis according to appointed percentage time unless they actually worked longer than their appointed hours.

A copy of the statement s should be sent to Human Resource Services. Nothing in this process shall preclude a non-exempt employee from earning additional straight time or Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA overtime pay or compensatory time off for weeks which include emergency closing s and during which the subject employee worked more than The only way to ensure that Canada Goose clothing is ethical and humane is to stop using down and fur and switch to high-tech, efficient, animal-free insulators. BDS has called for a boycott of Caterpillar for selling bulldozers to Israel in full knowledge that they will be armoured and used to destroy Palestinian homes, infrastructure and agriculture in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The Campaign to Stop Killer Coke has called for a boycott of the company, following claims that it had been involved in the murders of union leaders at its factories in South America, and in other instances of violence, intimidation and workers' rights abuses. Coca-Cola was accused of paying Colombian paramilitaries who murdered nine union members at its bottling plants. The campaign website also lists reports of the company ordering serious anti-union violence at Turkish and Guatemalan plants. Boycotts of Coca-Cola have also been called over its involvement in Israeli appartheid. Israeli settlements are built on land stolen from Palestinians and are illegal under international law. The culture of breeding has serious health implications for the dogs involved on the show.

PETA claims:. With its obsession with "purity of breed", Crufts popularises grossly exaggerated features in animals and awards prizes to dogs whose physical abnormalities make it impossible for them to lead a happy life — pugs with pushed-in faces who can barely breathe, Cavalier King Charles spaniels whose brains are too big for their skulls and bulldogs who can't even mate without assistance, to name just a few examples. The campaign says that this culture of breeding also have wider implication for canine welfare, pointing out that breeders may receive thousand of pounds for pedigree puppies with a low quality of life, while many healthy dogs remain in animal shelters. It is asking its supporters to contact Channel 4 and ask it to stop airing the show.

Dog4Us is a puppy warehouse located in Leeds and Manchester. Organisers based their campaign on information exposed by BBC Panorama, such a selling fake Pedigri pups and seriously ill dogs, buying from cruel puppy farms and selling untraceable dogs from unlicensed breeders. The campaign points out that Dog4Us breaks government advice to never buy a puppy unless you see it with its mother. It asks its followers to adopt a puppy instead, from the many currently housed in animal shelters.

The boycott has held protests outside parliament calling for a ban on the sale of puppies in pet shops and other third-party dealers. It has gained backing from many politicians in both Manchester and Leeds. Naturewatch Foundation launched a boycott call against Ecover in April , over the brand's links to companies that test products on animals. In December , Ecover and its sister company Method were purchased by SC Johnson, a US company that openly admits to testing on animals and owns other non Naturewatch -endorsed household cleaning brands such as Duck, Shout, Glade, Pledge and Windex.

It's hugely disappointing to compassionate shoppers when favourite brands compromise their cruelty free credentials by selling out to multinationals that continue to benefit from animal testing. The boycott has since seen some success with Ecover and Method committing to use their influence to convince SC Johnson to go cruelty-free. However, SC Johnson is yet to do so, and Naturewatch Foundation is asking compassionate consumers to boycott all SC Johnson brands, including Ecover and Method, until the entire company is cruelty-free.

Read more about the boycott. It uses the very Elbit technology and hardware that is found in their fighter jets, which are instrumental in Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza and in constructing militarized borders around the globe. In each of these bombing campaigns, the majority of those killed were civilians, including in when over children were killed by Israel. Stop Hate for Profit is calling on Facebook to stop the spread of racism, hate, violence and misinformation about voting across their platforms. Demands include taking down groups focused on white supremacy, militia, antisemitism, Islamophobia and violent conspiracies; removing misinformation related to voting that has been debunked by credible fact checkers; and prohibiting calls to violence by politicians in any format.

The organisation says :. In July , the coalition - which includes thousands of businesses as well as civil society groups and nonprofits such as NAACP, Color of Change and Sleeping Giants - called on companies to pause advertisements on the site. Over companies joined the boycott. In response, Facebook has taken limited action, including beginning to address some of the most hateful movements using its site, publishing its civil rights audit and establishing a team to study algorithmic racial bias.

However, the campaign says that the company "has failed to address our core demands meaningfully. Fox News faces a boycott call over its hate speech and fake news. TrueUSA is calling on all advertisers to boycott the news corporation, and consumers to boycott brands that continue advertising with it. Fox News has proven itself again and again, from birtherism to the vile Seth Rich smear to the demonizing of Black Lives Matter , to be the most powerful outlet for hate, fear, and propaganda in America. TrueUSA asks consumers to pick four brands still advertising with the corporation, and send them a message letting them know, "If they sponsor Fox, we'll shop elsewhere.

Find the full list here. Alligators and crocodiles are factory farmed and brutally slaughtered for 'luxury' fashion. PETA investigated the conditions in which crocodiles and alligators were kept on leather farms, in Texas and Zimbabwe. It found that "Alligators are packed in dank pools and crocodiles are crowded in barren concrete pits for months or even years before finally being slaughtered for their skins.

They are often shot or cut into while still conscious and able to feel pain. It also worked with the Israeli military, maintaining its IT infrastructure, while it imposed a naval blockade of the Gaza strip. BDS states:. Read more about the Israeli apartheid boycott here. PETA is calling for a boycott of House of Fraser , after the chain's new owner, Sports Direct International, reversed the company's no-fur policy, despite the poor treatment of animals within the fur industry. The company was said to be selling fur from rabbits and raccoons.

Animals within the fur industry sometimes face lifelong confinement in cramped cages, and are often killed using inhumane methods. PETA is asking for consumers to write the the company and declare their intention to boycott the chain until the no-fur policy is reinstated. Write to the company here. HP Inc is contracted as the exclusive provider of personal computers to the Israeli military, which BDS says it uses "within the context of ongoing war crimes and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people. HP has been supplying the Israeli military since , with its most recent contract signed in , extendable through More than 1. Read more about the Israeli apartheid Boycott here. However, as of , the company continued to hold shares in Caterpillar, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon — all of which were linked by War on Want to the oppression of Palestine.

The companies supply everything from bulldozers used in the demolition of Palestinian homes Caterpillar to fighter jets and missiles previously used against civilians Lockheed Martin. BDS describes itself as "a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. Israel is occupying and colonising Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes.

Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the BDS call urges action to pressure Israel to comply with international law. The campaign has successfully persuaded governments, churches and banks to divest from companies involved in Israeli occupation, or which are operating in Israeli settlements in Palestine. It has also seen several targeted companies change their practices and break their ties with the Israeli government or relocate from settlements there. Read more about BDS. American Muslims for Palestine have a long-running boycott call against Israeli date exporters.

Because of the gruelling work involved in picking dates, Israeli settlers bring in low-paid Palestinian labourers to do the difficult work. Israeli farmers are also known to employ Palestinian children," according to the campaign. It states that date-picking is hazardous work, the dates are often grown in Israeli settlements, illegal under international law, and that date growing diverts much-needed water away from Palestinian villages. According to the campaign, Hadiklaim, Mehadrin and Carmel Agrexco all have operations in Israeli settlments, and Hadiklaim and Carmel Agrexco have been accused of child labour and paying under minimum wage. Many medjool dates imported to Europe or the US are also grown in a settlement or Israel, unless from a trusted source like Zaytoun , the campaign states.

It is calling for consumers to sign its petition pledging to boycott Israeli dates "during Ramadan and beyond": ampalestine. The organisation stated that it had tested two Kellogg's cereal products, both of which were found to contain GMOs and glyphosate, the active chemical ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. The campaign claims:. It says that the pesticides and herbicides that the company used "deplete the soil, harm earthworms and other beneficial non-target organisms, and put the Monarch butterfly, bees and other species in jeopardy.

The campaign is also targeting Kellogg's due to that fact that it 'heavily markets to children'. It asks its supporters to contact the company about its GMO ingredients and lobbying. Thousands of people have signed the petition. The French multinational uses ingredients that have been tested on animals, despite public statements to the contrary. It has also been criticised for lobbying against an EU ban on animal testing for cosmetics.

The organisation launched a legal challenge in the European Courts against the EU's ban on animal testing for cosmetics. Natura responded to Naturewatch Foundation's calls for a rigorous and transparent animal testing policy and has now been endorsed as a cruelty-free brand. Tibetan civil society organisations have previously called for a boycott of products made in China in protest against the conditions in which some Chinese manufactured goods are made, "by the millions of prisoners in China's forced labour camps. The Sea Lies campaign is calling for a boycott of all Merlin Entertainment brands due to their treatment of captive animals in their aquariums, which include: Alton Towers, Blackpool Tower, Chessington World of Adventures, Eye attractions e.

London Eye , Legoland, The Dungeons e. The campaign is run by Freedom for Animals. The resulting report accused the company of taking animals from the wild to populate its aquariums, despite claiming that it would "never get any animal from the sea because we find it cruel". The chain's parent company was also found to have purchased three other aquariums that housed dolphins or whales in confined conditions. The campaign also raises wider animal welfare concerns and says that fish in the aquariums demonstrated stressed behaviours prompted by their lack of space.

Naturewatch Foundation launched a boycott call against Method in April , over the company's links to companies that test products on animals.

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