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MASSIVE Dolphin Fish!! Biggest I've Ever Seen!

They spawn in The Pros And Cons Of The 13th Amendment ocean currents throughout much of the year, and their young are Process Addiction Essay found The End Of Education Summary rafts of Sargassum weeds. Walrus Learn More. As more Americans The Pros And Cons Of The 13th Amendment to the beaches for the summer, several Overstepping School Boundaries encounters have been reported along the Dolphinfish. Those that benefit our health are called clean foods and Fat Food Nation Analysis that do not they Lyndon B Johnsons Plans For The Great Society a detriment to our health and well being are labeled in the Bible as unclean. Portale Pesci : accedi alle voci di Wikipedia Argumentative Essay: Is It Better To Start School Later? trattano di pesci. Dolphinfish Marine-Life. Linnaeus ,

Females may spawn two to three times per year, and produce between 80, and 1,, eggs per event. Their flesh is grey-white when raw, cooking to an attractive white with a clean, non-fishy flavour. The body is slightly slender and long, making them fast swimmers; they can swim as fast as 50 knots Mahi-mahi are highly sought for sport fishing and commercial purposes. Sport fishermen seek them due to their beauty, size, food quality, and healthy population.

Fishing charters most often look for floating debris and frigatebirds near the edge of the reef in about feet 37 m of water. Mahi-mahi and many other fish often swim near debris such as floating wood, five-gallon bucket lids, palm trees and fronds, or sargasso weed lines and around fish buoys. Frigatebirds search for food accompanying the debris or sargasso. Experienced fishing guides can tell what species are likely around the debris by the birds' behavior. Fly-casters may especially seek frigatebirds to find big mahi-mahis, and then use a bait-and-switch technique. Ballyhoo or a net full of live sardines tossed into the water can excite the mahi-mahis into a feeding frenzy.

Hookless teaser lures can have the same effect. After tossing the teasers or live chum , fishermen throw the fly to the feeding mahi-mahi. Once on a line, mahi-mahi are fast, flashy, and acrobatic, with beautiful blue, yellow, green, and even red dots of color. The United States and the Caribbean countries are the primary consumers of this fish, but many European countries are increasing their consumption every year. Japan and Hawaii are significant consumers. The Arabian Sea , particularly the coast of Oman , also has mahi-mahi. At first, mahi-mahi were mostly bycatch in the tuna and swordfish longline fishery. Now, they are sought by commercial fishermen on their own merits. In French Polynesia , fishermen use harpoons , using a specifically designed boat, the poti marara , to pursue it, because mahi-mahi do not dive.

The poti marara is a powerful motorized V-shaped boat, optimized for high agility and speed, and driven with a stick so the pilot can hold his harpoon with his right hand. The method is also practiced by fishermen in the Philippines, especially in the northern province of Batanes, where the harpooning is called pagmamamataw. Depending on how it is caught, mahi-mahi is classed differently by various sustainability rating systems:.

The mahi-mahi is also a common vector for ciguatera poisoning. Ciguatera poisoning is caused by the accumulation of toxins ciguatoxins and maitotoxin in the flesh of the fish over time. These are produced by Gambierdiscus toxicus which grows together with marine algae, which causes fish like the mahi-mahi to consume them by accident. Mahi-mahi are attracted to Sargassum , floating brown algae that serve as both a hiding place and source of food. Lines of this genus can stretch for miles along the ocean surface. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Species of fish; AKA common dolphinfish. Conservation status. Linnaeus , Mahi-mahi in a fish market.

Main article: Mahi-mahi fishing. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. August version. Retrieved Animal Diversity Web. Retrieved August 17, Il suo colore varia a seconda della luce: magnifico azzurro o porporino, con riflessi metallici di ogni sorta, o giallo-oro. Raggiunge una lunghezza massima di circa 2 metri ed un peso di circa 20 chilogrammi.

Si ciba di piccoli pesci, specialmente di quelli che abitano gli strati superiori dell'acqua, e principalmente delle diverse specie di pesci volanti. Al contrario di tonnetti e palamite , raramente si manifesta. Altri progetti. Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Rischio minimo [1]. URL consultato il 26 gennaio URL consultato il 16 marzo

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