Most Dangerous Game General Zaroff Quotes

Sunday, November 7, 2021 7:03:39 AM

Most Dangerous Game General Zaroff Quotes

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The Most Dangerous Game

Psalm Any captives The Pros And Cons Of NCAA Athletes Paid can elude Zaroff, Language analysis examples, President Johnsons Presidential Doctrine a pack Malala Yousafzi Speech Analysis hunting dogs for three days are set free. Despite its age, this tale feels timeless, and is near perfect. The Most Dangerous Game was published back inJohn Proctor Characteristics Most Dangerous Game General Zaroff Quotes ago. Add to my workbooks 3 Email Malala Yousafzi Speech Analysis answers to my teacher Looking for The Pros And Cons Of NCAA Athletes Paid about the 6 types of conflicts in storytelling?

The theme of this published short story is the Hunter vs the Hunted. View all 4 comments. A very short classic story published in Regardless of the length, I don't think I have been more scared by any book. The story begins as 2 friends, skilled big game hunters, are sailing in the Caribbean on their way to hunt jaguar along the Amazon River. One of the men loses his footing and falls overboard while on a moonlit stroll around the deck. What happened to him is for you to find out. I don't do spoilers! Leave it to say that you should read this in a well lit area, preferably with company or a large mastiff. The writing is incredible but horrifying.

I salute Mr. Apr 06, Nataliya rated it liked it Shelves: reads , shorts. My favorite part of this story was a brief but satisfying cameo appearance by BORSCH , as in "the rich, red soup with whipped cream so dear to Russian palates". Excuse me for a second while I salivate. The two man share a common passion - hunting. What they don't share is the idea that Rainsford should become prey in Zaroff's boredom-induced hunting game on a secluded tropical island. Rainsford, as you can imagine, is not too thrilled. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure. I am strong. Why should I not use my gift? If I wish to hunt, why should I not? General Zaroff is a perfect villain - gentlemanly calm, brutal, sociopatically-pleasant, competent, and rather sinister in his almost-supernatural hunter skill.

His attitude towards his cat-and-mouse hunting game with his prisoners is effectively chilling. It aged well despite being almost 90 years old spiffy Grandpa! The story is well-written, quick and short only 48 pages and has a non-contrived logical and satisfying even if predictable ending. He had never slept in a better bed, Rainsford decided. View all 6 comments. I read this in college, in a "Lit" class. It was one of those exercises where the Professor gives you two stories and your supposed to compare them "qualitatively". I don't remember what the second story was, I found this one vastly superior You see, I was 30 when I went back to school to get a degree and apparently didn't have the "proper deference" for the professor's The man was an elitist snob who was impressed enough with himself for all of u I read this in college, in a "Lit" class.

The man was an elitist snob who was impressed enough with himself for all of us anyway. I have trouble with someone who believes he can tell everyone else "what's" to be found in a piece of fiction. Maybe he can tell me what the writer said was in it By the way, I graduated with honors in spite of butting heads with a couple of profs This is a well know story, it's been made into a movie, been used as the basis of other movies, for episodes of various TV series and copied unashamedly by hosts of writers.

The rabid crazed hunter who, when people end up on his island, forces them to serve as "game" for his hunt. The story begins when this has been going on for a while and a well known hunter the sane variety who hunts as it should be done lands on the island and is in turn forced to be "the game". Turns out, Zaroff is also a hunter, but he hunts a more dangerous game Connell utilises irony, perspective, and tone to meld the reader's perspective of the story.

The murky, gothic-like atmosphere brings out a sense of dread, which not only increases the fear-factor of the story, but also inspires animosity towards human action, w 4 stars After crashing on an allegedly deserted island, big-game hunter Sanger Rainsford encounters a mysterious man named General Zaroff and his mute servant Ivan. The murky, gothic-like atmosphere brings out a sense of dread, which not only increases the fear-factor of the story, but also inspires animosity towards human action, whether Zaroff's cruelty or Rainsford's hypocrisy. The shift in perspective, heavily foreshadowed with irony, forces to reader to be on the tips on their toes as they see Zaroff and Rainsford go head to head. My favorite area of this story was the parallels between Zaroff and Rainsford as well as what those relationships mean about revenge and justifying violence.

In fact, the violence itself was portrayed in a peculiar way: throughout the novel it is in your face, until the ending, when perhaps the most atrocious deed is comitted. Zaroff always told Rainsford to omit the name murderer, when Rainsford told him of what he thought of the inhumane behaviour. As Rainsford becomes the murderer, his deed is omitted Or is Rainsford justified as he saved all the other sailors? I recommend. You can listen to this story on YouTube. I liked it and I think the ending was befitting of General Zaroff. View all 3 comments. Dec 05, Pooja Bhoi rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone. Shelves: short-novels.

If you're out there for short stories, this one is for you! Short but raised a lot of questions in my mind like what makes human different than animals? Is it the desire that one hunts for fun rather than for food? And the lines of psychopath Zaroff, There is no greater bore than perfection! Oh my! I loved it!!! One of my favorite stories. Very memorable and has stuck with me for years. First read it when student teaching in in a 9th grade literature class. What a thrilling story. It has some really beautiful writing. Some of my favorites are: "Ugh!

It's like moist velvet. Personally I am an activist for animals. Rainsford's attitude is that of many. The story unfolds and without giving away much The ending is superb. If you want a quick read and adventure story, this one will hold you til the end. My advice is to sit back in front of the fire with a drink or hot tea and hold your kitty cat tight. Enjoy the ride. View all 10 comments. I've always enjoyed the film version of The Most Dangerous Game, but this is the first time I've read the short story that it was based on. Still, if you're going to borrow a plot idea then you might as well borrow one of the best. In a world where authors produce ever longer stories it's wonderful to see so much tension conveyed in so few words.

What a classic. Nov 18, Jim rated it it was amazing Shelves: 3short-stories , action , 1ebook , 2fiction. There is a scary amount of realism to the story, especially in the time that it was written. Best - or possibly worst - is how easy it is for me to understand the General's POV. What about Rainsford? The economy of the writing is one of its biggest assets. I never felt I wanted more detail, though. What isn't said is either easily filled in by my own imagination or as intriguing as what is said. He knows that Ivan is leading, so I don't know why he would expect the General to have died.

View all 8 comments. I read this little short story when I was about 12 or 13 years old, in what we called grammar school, some 50 years ago. It has always been in the background of my memory as a story that gave me the desire to read and explore the world of literature. I had to reread this again, and thanks to Bobby Underwood I remembered this great classic and found it. Thanks Bobby, it was a fun read, one I'll probably read again sometime if I live long enough. It is a masterpiece of classic literature IMHO. May I read this little short story when I was about 12 or 13 years old, in what we called grammar school, some 50 years ago. Maybe l'm just being nostalgic in my Old Age.

I hope not, it was a great re-read and I enjoyed it immensely! I blame my school for this. The three components of this book: - misogyny - Hitler's "perfect race" mindset - insensitivity I blame my school for this. The three components of this book: - misogyny - Hitler's "perfect race" mindset - insensitivity The Wiki also claimed the story served, in part, as inspiration for creating the game paintball in The tense narration by Edward French had my attention from the start and was over too soon for my like.

I hardly noticed my task was complete I was so riveted by the story unfolding. The ending was perfect too! Being a book to film fan, I watched the film adaption of this story by the same name. It was amusing but not wholly positive. The acting and set had a cheesy feel, kind of like an old Tarzan movie. I was surprised by the gore view spoiler [One victim was shown being pulled under water by a shark and then it showed an underwater view of the shark surrounded by a dark cloud in the water.

While the ship was sinking, steam burst out of the boiler and people were screaming or being thrown into the water. A man was impaled by a spear. The adaption mostly followed the book with few alterations, like an added a love interest and mildly altered ending. The opening scenes occurred on a ship in the water, and what I saw on screen was the image of the scene being tilted gently back and forth in a rocking motion. How weird was that? View all 7 comments. Aug 28, Sarah Marie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: people who don't aspire to be serial killers. Shelves: standalones , read-for-school , short-story , horror , mental-illness , books-to-moviesssssss , mind-blown-from-the-awesomeness , best-villains , male-pov , some-people-die. Whimsical Writing Scale: 4.

View all 11 comments. Jul 23, Chadi Raheb rated it it was ok Shelves: recom-amis , short-stories , dehors. I did. The first two pages were amusing enough, but the rest of it was a real boredom to me. God I just wanted it to be over! And I suppose Zarrof deeply misunderstood the point of Darwin's theory when he was talking nonsenses which meant that absolutely anything is allowed for the strong to be done; which was so selfish of him! I cannot say it was a disaster because it was not; there were some high ranked collocations to learn, but I really didn't enjoy the story as I was expecting to. I made a good skimming-practice out of it, though.

But if I don't enjoy, I don't learn. The game An adventurous short story, not something we normaly come across. Though a short story, we are gripped from the start to the end. Apr 12, Sara rated it liked it Shelves: short-stories-novellas. This was not a new story for me. I read it years ago, probably in high school. I cannot recall the reaction I had then, and this is one of those tales that you cannot react the same way once you know the outcome. It does spark some interesting thoughts about putting yourself in someone else's shoes. I liked this line: Sometimes I think evil is a tangible thing--with wave lengths, just as sound and light have.

An evil place can, so to speak, broadcast vibrations of evil. I have heard that voice, and sometimes even though it is muffled, it is there, hoping it will not be ignored. Interesting premise, if it was a full book not a short story. Apr 29, Ian rated it liked it. I now see why, as this is the tale that kicked off the whole 'hunting humans' genre- from Sheckley's Tenth Victim to more movies and TV shows than I ever could count. It tells the story of an American hunter who falls off his yacht and ends up on a tropical island owned by a sinister Russian general, who's also a fanatical big game hunter. But the general's killed at least one of just about 3. But the general's killed at least one of just about everything and is bored, except by 'the most dangerous game of all.

Certainly some of the language is dated but for the most part the prose is economical and descriptive. Certainly it may seem cliched but after all, it was the first time out for many of these ideas. The whole story has an authentic 'roaring Twenties' feel to it which makes it more convincing, imho. Great way to spend half an hour. I love short stories because they can be exceptionally difficult to write, but entertaining to read. This book was action packed, and not a single moment was boring. Connell did a great job at building tension, and I loved the characters. Dark and intense, a great read. View all 5 comments. The story takes place in a strange island, and a hunter who fell of a yacht into the sea, tries to swim his way to the island.

He finds two men and is delighted but soon afterwards things take a drastic turn. It was an interesting read. May 30, Allison Tebo rated it liked it Shelves: action-adventure-contemporary. Classy and chilling at the same time - a fast paced adventure full of atmosphere and set on a claustrophobic setting. Also an interesting commentary on how man without God--living with an evolution based mindset--sinks into the sickening mindset of viewing humans as animals and prey to be hunted down and destroyed. Because of the intense subject and some violence - this short story is best for older readers. Nov 22, mwana rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , action-suspense-thriller , classic , short-stories-or-collections. Is there a movie for this? Because I would pay to see that.

A lot. I think my school should stop making me read anti-female short stories about men wanting vengeance by death. I didn't love this short story but I want to give it the benefit of the doubt. I think it's a well-crafted story and it did have its enjoyable moments. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides. The Most Dangerous Game. Plot Summary. Murder Extreme Social Darwinism.

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