Veterans Psychosocial Issues

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Veterans Psychosocial Issues

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Skip to content You are here Home Articles Out of uniform: psychosocial issues experienced and coping mechanisms used by Veterans during the military—civilian transition. Journal Title:. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health. Peer reviewed:. Country of Publication:. Countries of Subject Matter:. DOI digital object identifier :. Discuss This. If you wish to discuss this article publicly please head over the to the appropriate section of the forum. If you are the author of this article and you feel it does not accurately reflect the findings and purpose of the paper please let us know. Abstract Introduction: The military—civilian transition is an important moment in the life course of Veterans.

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Andrea K. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. AKF conceptualized the study, coded and analyzed articles, and was the lead author of the manuscript. MO, ET, and AN contributed to the study design, coded and analyzed articles, and contributed to writing the manuscript. NCA contributed to the study design and manuscript writing. CT conceptualized the study, coded and analyses articles, and was a major contributor to writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search. Download PDF. Research Article Open Access Published: 08 April A scoping review of military veterans involved in the criminal justice system and their health and healthcare Andrea K. Abstract Background In the criminal justice system, special populations, such as older adults or patients with infectious diseases, have been identified as particularly vulnerable to poor health outcomes. Results The search strategy initially identified unique abstracts with abstracts then excluded. Conclusions Knowledge gaps identified from the review provide guidance on future areas of research.

Special populations in the criminal justice system In the criminal justice system, vulnerable populations, such as women Binswanger et al. Background on justice-involved veterans Justice-involved veterans have extensive medical, mental health and substance use disorder treatment needs. Importance of examining justice-involved veterans Examining the health and healthcare of justice-involved veterans is important for at least three reasons. Differences between veterans and non-veterans Prior research suggests some connection between military service and criminal justice involvement, which may be explained by profiles of those who volunteer for military service, traumatic experiences during military service, and medical, mental health, or substance use disorder conditions related to military service.

Health differences between criminal justice involved veterans and non-veterans There are few health differences between justice-involved veterans and non-veterans. Prior reviews on justice-involved veterans Although there are prior reviews studies on justice-involved veterans, a scoping review has not yet been conducted. Aims The aim of the current study was to conduct a scoping review of the literature related to the health and healthcare of military veterans involved in the criminal justice system.. Methods The population of interest was justice-involved veterans, both in the US and internationally. Study selection We excluded studies that did not include justice-involved veterans, were not relevant to health or healthcare, or were limited to active duty military personnel.

Data extraction For studies that were selected for inclusion at the full-text stage, an investigator or research assistant extracted 14 study characteristics. Data synthesis and analysis We summarized the selected studies across characteristics. Results In total, we reviewed abstracts and excluded abstracts Fig. Adapted flow chart of record identification and screening process. Full size image. Discussion This scoping review summarizes the research literature on justice-involved veterans and their health and healthcare.

Knowledge gaps and informing policy, practice, and research The scoping review uncovered numerous gaps in the literature on the health and healthcare of justice-involved veterans. Medical conditions Needed are studies focused on medical conditions, especially conditions such as traumatic brain injury, which may disproportionately affect veterans and be related to their justice involvement To et al. Management of multiple conditions Even though chronic mental health or addiction conditions, including depression and alcohol use disorder, were examined in a number of studies, the long-term management of these conditions in clinical practice among justice-involved veterans is an area of untapped investigation.

Sociodemographic differences The scoping review highlights that we need to know more about sociodemographic groups within the justice-involved veteran population, such as women, people of color, rural veterans, veterans with disabilities, and veterans from different periods of service and service branches. Intervention studies Along with studies on sociodemographic groups, intervention studies focused on addressing the unique and additional treatment needs of justice-involved veterans and preventing or reducing their criminal justice involvement are needed.

Type of criminal justice involvement Distinctions in the health and healthcare among veterans involved in different aspects of the criminal justice system are difficult to draw because the majority of articles did not examine differences by criminal justice type. Conceptual models Although the majority of studies in our scoping review lacked a conceptual model, a few studies drew from conceptual models across a variety of fields.

Limitations of the scoping review This scoping review was designed to provide a broad overview of the literature on the health and healthcare of justice-involved veterans and how these articles add to our general understanding of criminal justice involved populations. Conclusions Identifying and organizing existing literature to inform current research, and strategically expanding into existing gaps, will help to generate a robust body of literature focused on the health and healthcare of justice-involved veterans.

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